Saturday, 31 October 2009


So I will be the first person to admit that I have been totally rubbish when it comes to writing on this blog. That said, I have been pretty damn committed when it comes to hauling my ass out of bed each morning and onto my yoga matt. Yes ladies and gents, I can finally say I have completed a 30 day challenge. And it rocked. Admittedly there were days (actually if I'm honest most days...) where I wanted to quit, but I didn't and I honestly can't say I have ever been prouder of myself.

So how do I feel now? Amazing, sensational, stupendous, awe-inspiring, spectacular, wondourous, euphoric, elated, exhilarated, rapturous, gleeful, delighted; yep pretty much a whole thesaurus full of incredible. And I have all of you to thank. Even though I know no one really reads this blog, I read a lot of your blogs, and I can honestly say that just knowing there are other people out there who have done this before me made the whole journey a whole lot less daunting.

I am just happy to say it's done. And to start a new chapter in my bikram life.

Thank you fellow bloggers, thank you Bikram and as cheesy at it sounds thank you me!



  1. Yay! I'm so glad you made it. Awesome work!

  2. I know this was awhile ago now but congrats on completing your challenge and don't worry too much about having to write consistently, it's a challenge on it's own. Favorite quote: "yup pretty much a whole thesaurus full of incredible". Glad you felt so good and no its not cheesy to thank yourself because in the end the only person that got you through is you.
